Drishti Khokhar is a graphic designer
from India, based out of New York.

Drishti Khokhar is a
graphic designer from India, based out of New York.

Seconds of Something


MoMA Exhibition Re-Design,
Title Wall withCustom Title
Type and Opener Spread


Amy Fang
Prin Limphongpand

2022, MICA

            Using recycled materials found on local loading docks and in alleyways, Washburn creates post-Minimalist constructions that appear as swells of urban refuse. In each of her installations, Washburn paints scavenged wood, cardboard, or newspaper in institutional pastels—greens, pinks, and blues—and subsequently cements it all together to form a sedimentation of layered detritus. Washburn refers to her works as “spontaneous architecture,” emphasizing a bipolar urge to merge the accidental and the intentional.